Runners offers a great returns policy for UK customers. According to Runners returns policy, you can return any unwanted items within 30 days of delivery or collection date. As per runners returns policy, most of the items can be returned, but you have to send them back in their original packaging with all of the tags intact. Moreover, damaged or worn products are ineligible for return.
You must inform Runners about your intention to cancel and return your order within 30 days and then return your goods as soon as possible. If you want to return your order, inform runners via phone, mail, or email. Then, repack your goods securely and attach the return label to the front side of your return parcel.
Now, post your order via a tracked and insured courier service. It is to be noted that the return expenses must be paid by the customer. Moreover, restocking charges may apply to certain returns. It is advised to keep the return postage proof safe until you get the final refund.
Once your return package arrives at the Runners Warehouse, your goods will be inspected and after the approval, your return will be processed. You will receive your refund amount as per your original payment method.
About Runners

Runners has nearly four decades of experience in joinery, ironmongery, and related sliding door products. Now, it sells a variety of sliding door gear like sliding door runners, sliding systems for domestic and industrial applications, and the like.
How to return Products to Runners
- Inform Runners by phone, mail, or email within 30 days of receiving your products.
- Then repack your goods securely.
- Then send the return package back to the Runners via tracked mail service.
- You will receive your refund as per the original payment method. For more information about Runners returns policy, visit