Clarks offers a free returns policy for UK citizens. According to Clarks returns policy, you can return unwanted items within 28 days of the delivery date but all of the returning items must be in a resaleable condition and in their original packaging. If you purchased sale items, then you must return them within 14 days of the delivery date for a refund or exchange.
You must not try shoes outdoors and if you are trying them then use a carpeted surface as shoes with conspicuous marks or dirt can’t be refunded or exchanged. And you can return faulty items within 6 months.
If you want to return your online Clarks order then login to the Clarks returns portal and complete the online returns procedure. Then choose your desired shipping method and repack your goods. Now, send your return parcel and keep the postage proof until you get the refund.
Alternatively, you can also return your products in any of the Clarks stores but it is advisable to return faulty or wrong-size shoes in the store. For an in-store return, repack your goods and take them to the store along with a valid proof of purchase. Also, take your payment card and the store staff will refund or exchange your product.
You can also exchange your product via the same return method. Once they receive your return parcel, either they will refund you or will ship your new order (in case of exchange). The refund amount will appear within 14 days of the arrival of your return parcel at the Clarks warehouse.
About Clarks
Clarks began its business operations in 1825, when its first store was opened in Somerset, England. Still, the multinational footwear company is headquartered in Somerset, England. Now, the UK-based multinational footwear brand and retailer ships its products to Ireland, several European countries, and other international destinations.

The multinational footwear brand has more than 1400 branded branches around the world and is the 31st largest private company in the UK. Following are some of the popular products of Clarks.
- Men & Women’s Shoes
- Kids & Babies Shoes
- School Shoes
- Boots & Socks
- Bags & Accessories
How to return Products to Clarks
If you want to return unwanted products to Clarks then you have to send your products back within 28 days of the delivery date. In the case of sale items, you have only 14 days. For returning orders via post, log in to the returns portal and complete the return formalities. Then repack your goods and post the parcel to Clarks.
After your package gets to the Clarks warehouse, your refund will be processed using the same method within 14 days. And if you have opted for an exchange then your new order will be dispatched immediately. For more information about Clarks returns policy, click on this link,
Quicks FAQs about Clarks Returns Policy
What is Clarks returns policy for the UK?
According to Clarks returns policy, you can return unwanted items within 28 days of the delivery date but all of the returning items must be in a resaleable condition and in their original packaging. If you purchased sale items, then you must return them within 14 days of the delivery date for a refund or exchange. For more information about Clarks UK returns, please refer to the concerned section above.
Can I return the online Clarks order in-store?
Yes, you can return your online order to any of the Clarks stores in the UK. Also, you can return your in-store purchases via post.
How can I ship back my Clarks order?
Clarks provide a range of shipping services for returning back your order. You can send back your Clarks products either via Post Office or Hermes Parcel Shops or via CollectPlus.
Will Clarks refund the original delivery charges?
No, Clarks doesn’t refund the original delivery charges unless your products are faulty. In case of faulty products, you will be refunded an amount equal to the full value of the product plus your original delivery charges.
Does Clarks do free returns?
Yes, all of the Clarks returns (standard & sale items) are free as the multinational brand doesn’t charge any return processing fee. Even Clarks pay the return shipping fee.
How long it takes for Clarks to process the refund?
If you have returned your goods from within the UK, then 14 days are needed for processing your refund. If you haven’t received your refund within 14 days, then you must contact the customer support team of the brand.