Vivobarefoot offers a free returns policy for UK customers. According to Vivobarefoot returns policy, you can return any unwanted items within 100 days of ordering. As per Vivobarefoot returns policy, most of the items can be returned, but you have to send them back unopened and in their original packaging with all tags attached.
If you want to return something you bought from the Vivobarefoot website then visit the Vivobarefoot website and complete the online process. After completing the online return procedure, repack your goods securely and send them to Vivobarefoot as per your chosen courier service.
Keep the postage proof safe until you get the final refund. No return fee is deducted from your final refund amount as Vivobarefoot returns are free.
Once your return package arrives at the Vivobarefoot Warehouse, your goods will be inspected and after the approval, your return will be processed. You will get the refund amount according to your original payment method.
About Vivobarefoot

The technology of Vivobarefoot was invented by Tim Brennan and developed by the British shoe company Terra Plana. It is a minimalist shoe company that sells a range of shoe products in the UK. Besides the UK, the company also ships its products to many countries and regions of the globe. The popular products of Vivobarefoot include footwear, lifestyle accessories, and the like.
How to return Products to Start Fitness
- Visit the Vivobarefoot website and complete the online return formalities.
- After completing the online return procedure, repack your goods securely with all tags attached and in their original packaging.
- Then send the return package back to Vivobarefoot via your chosen courier service and keep the postage proof safe.
- You will receive your refund after the arrival of your return package at Vivobarefoot Warehouse. For more information about Vivobarefoot returns policy, please visit