New Balance offers a free returns policy for its UK customers. According to the New Balance returns policy, you can return a majority of the products within 30 days of the delivery date of your order. Though a majority of the products can be returned, however, the returning items must be in a perfect and resaleable condition. Moreover, shoes must be returned in their original boxes.
You can return only online orders via post. If you have purchased products from physical location or third-party seller then you must contact the original point of purchase for any return or exchange query. To start an online return, carefully repackage your item with the original labels. Now, find your pre-paid returns label in your order.
There is a pre-paid return label with each New Balance order. Place your pre-paid returns label over or in place of the original delivery note. Take note of the tracking number (long number written on the returns label). If you have lost your pre-paid returns label then contact customer care team of New Balance.
Now, you have 02 options for returning the products. Either take the return parcel to your nearest UPS drop-off location or order a UPS home collection. If you have received a faulty item and want to return it. Then you must first contact the customer service team of New Balance. If you send the faulty item without informing New Balance then they will not reimburse it.
After your return parcel arrives at the warehouse, your goods will be inspected and if approved then your refund will be processed. You will receive a full refund within 3 business days. However, your refund may take 10 working days. Therefore, you must wait at least 10 working days for receiving your refund amount.
About New Balance
New Balance is one of the popular sport clothing brand. The brand has both bricks-and-mortar sale points and e-commerce website. New Balance is particulary famous for its athletic shoes and active wear clothing. In addition to the UK, the brand also ships its products to other international destinations.

New Balance has become one of the most popular shopping destination for UK work-out and sport lovers. At the moment, there are nore more than one million customers of the brand. Following is a list of popular products of New Balance.
- Activewear Clothing for Men, Women & Kids
- Footwear for Men, Women & Kids
- Trainers
- Head wear
- Sports Gear
- Bags & Backpacks
How to return Products to New Balance
If you want to return an unwanted product to New Balance, then you have to send the return parcel within 30 days of the order delivery date. A free pre-paid returns label arrives with your order. Just repack your goods and affix the pre-paid return label to the outer side of your return package. Then either order a home collection or drop your package at your nearest UPS location.
After arrival of the package at the warehouse, your refund will be processed within 3 working days, and you’ll get your money according to your original payment method. However, in busier days, your refund may take up to 10 business days so wait for 10 business days before contacting New Balance customer care team for the return query. For more information about New Balance returns policy, visit this link,